Judy P is the designer and owner of JudyP Apparel, but you already knew that. Do you want to know more about her ideas and inspiration? We sat down with Judy and asked her some questions about the new Spring colors. After all, what better way to get inside the mind of a designer?

Q: So Judy, the new Spring colors have arrived. What was your inspiration for this collection?

A: I chose these six colors because they are easy to wear by most and are seen in every magazine, fashion show, Red Carpet, etc. Remember, I do colors for the season we are in, so I get to see what works and what colors are hot before I create our color palette.

Q: What is an essential Spring color to have in your wardrobe?

A: Blues are always the best sellers and for a reason. Blue tones are very universal and always a great choice for everyone. Bel Air will be particularly strong this season, I believe.

Q: Some people are wary of bright colors. Pastel isn’t for everyone. What do you say to people who are afraid of certain colors against their skin tone?

A: I try my best to make every color in my line “wearable”. I keep them clean and clear so complexion and hair color are not the determining factor in wearing the color. They work well across the board and that’s what my customers love about JudyP.

Q: Are any of these colors based on current trends or just based on colors that you love?

A: Well, both. Carnation is an obvious ­­choice. Pretty in Pink remains a classic. Add that to the fact that Carnation is Millennial Pink and that’s a trend that holds strong and true. Last Spring we did Lemon Zest and sold out, so Lemon Meringue was a no brainer for this season. So, get yours while the gettin’ is good. And of course, Creamsicle was just too delicious to pass up. How can anyone resist a Creamsicle?

Q: What is your favorite color from this collection?

A: Oh, definitely Honeydew.

Q: And why is that?

A: It is so gentle and calm with just enough of a smile. Watch this color because I just saw the prediction for the 2020 color of the year…you guessed it, Honeydew.

Q: And lastly, what do you want people to feel when they wear these colors? Especially coming from the gloominess of Winter and all those dark colors.

A: My colors tend to be “happy”, “uplifting” yet “calming”; all good feelings to have today and every day. What is important is to pick colors that will make you feel good year-round. Don’t wait for Spring or Summer to add color to your wardrobe!

And there you have it. Six new colors designed by Judy P herself to help bring Spring into your life. Check out the new styles today.

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Tracey Howarth