Every component of our clothing here at JudyP is gathered and produced in the US. But just what does this mean for the country and JudyP?

Our biggest and proudest reason is that by being USA made, we’re helping to supply jobs for our fellow Americans, while also maintaining a job market that will affect future generations. Because our products don’t have to be shipped around the world, we’re contributing to a healthier environment by producing less carbon emissions.

American labor regulations are generally a lot more enforced in the US than other parts of the world, and thus, we’re able to ensure all aspects of the labor chain that bring our products from our imaginations to your closet are conducted in a safe and fair manner.

A cool perk that affects fans of our clothing directly is that, by being USA made, shipping options for our products are much cheaper (and they arrive faster, too!). Given our US locality, we’re able to go from creating proof of concept with our designers right to the final product being available at a faster rate.

The benefits of being USA made are innumerable and long-lasting. We love being able to ensure the quality of our clothing and have nearly as much control of the business side of things as we do the creative.

As we continue to bring you bold designs and new colors made from soft yet tactical American fabric, we’re proud to do our part in making our country one of the best in the world.