What We’re Grateful For in 2021

Often we have more to be grateful for than we realize. Below, we have highlighted a few we, here at JudyP, appreciated in 2021. Think of it as our annual roundup of all things good to celebrate throughout the holiday season.


Whether it’s our blood relatives or friends we consider family, we’re grateful for loved ones, all of whom are worth expressing gratitude for. It’s important for each of us to remind our dear ones— from parents and grandparents to siblings, kids, and friends — how appreciative we are of them and how they enhance our lives. You won’t regret it.

Wellness & Health

If you have your health, you have so much to be grateful for. And while we all have problems with our bodies— some small, some mighty— it’s important to appreciate all the parts that are working well. 

Our Home

Recent times have underscored the importance of a safe, secure place to call home. We’re grateful for having a roof over our heads, access to power, heat, clean water, and a cozy bed to sleep in. Many people do not have these essentials.

Our Work

All of us here at JudyP have learned a lot this year, and we’re still learning a lot as we welcome 2022. People have quit their jobs, worked remotely, been furloughed, changed careers, and started down new paths more than ever in recent history. We’re grateful that we have settled into our office routines, love our jobs, and are gainfully employed.


We’re grateful for the kindness we receive— especially from our loyal customers— and the acts of kindness that still happen every single day at the office and beyond.

The Future

Turns out, gratitude isn’t just about being thankful for things that have already occurred; it’s also about ensuring the benefits of what comes next. It’s about making sure that tomorrow, and the day after, we find things to be grateful for. Remember to keep everything in perspective, know that everything is temporary, appreciate what you have and especially remember to laugh at yourself.


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Tracey Howarth