America’s biggest celebration is almost here. Independence Day is the best time to bond with family and enjoy activities you normally don’t take time to do. To save you some planning, here are ten 4th of July fun activities for you to enjoy with your family.

  • Play some Corn Hole

It is an American summer classic where the kids and the adults can both participate and enjoy some competitive fun.

  • Go on a picnic

It requires little to no planning; all you have to do is grab a blanket, some snacks and sit in a park or beach to enjoy some relaxing, bonding time with your friends and family.

  • BBQ

That’s an easy one everyone in the family can enjoy participating in by helping with different tasks. You will be surprised to see how much everyone in the family loves helping out at BBQ’S.

  • Play UNO

It’s an easy card game anyone can learn if they don’t already know how to play, plus it is really fun and engaging. Don’t be surprised if all your guests spend the whole day playing UNO!

  • Make S’mores

Light up a fire and make a circle with your family; tell each other stories as you enjoy some delicious S’mores by the fire.

  • Go camping

If you have never gone camping, now is the time…camping is a perfect way to disconnect from technology and distractions and fully connect with your family. You will be thrilled to see how much fun it is to be simply surrounded by your family, enjoying the little things that make life worth it.

  • Soda or Gatorade flavor blinded tasting game

This is simple yet a fun one. Pick up different flavors of sodas or Gatorade; cover the eyes of the person tasting, have them take a sip and guess the flavor. Let everyone in the family try!

  • Family Bike Ride

Go for a family bike ride; get creative with it. Make it a parade with decorations and flags. Activities like this will help everyone work up their appetite for a big family lunch or dinner!

  • Bake patriotic desserts

If you enjoy baking, this one’s for you! Perfect chance to show off your creative culinary skills with some patriotic red, white and blue deserts.

  • Watch a 4th of July movie

There are so many great patriotic movies: Independence Day, Born on the 4th of July, The Patriot, Top Gun to name a few… the list simply never ends! Just pick up some popcorn and enjoy some quality time with your family honoring the USA!


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Tracey Howarth