The hot days of summer cause some of the worst hair days of the year. The humidity and having to wash your hair so often to keep it clean often makes it dry and frizzy. But there are a few secrets to having healthy, beautiful hair, even in the summer.


    • Use hats or scarves to protect your hair from the sun’s rays, as they can damage and dry out your hair.


    • Use UV protection products. It doesn’t necessarily have to be shampoos or conditioners, as they can be filled with chemicals. Hair care experts suggest running your hands softly through your hair after applying sunscreen to your skin. 


    • Don’t wash your hair every day. This can be hard in the summer because we sweat so much, but if you really feel the need to wash your hair every day, don’t use shampoo every day; simply wash it with your regular conditioner. 


    • Do a deep conditioning treatment once a week. It can be a deep conditioning mask or you can simply just leave your regular conditioner on for a few hours or overnight. 


    • Tie your hair. It will limit the amount of sun exposure your hair gets and make your hair less sweaty. 


    • Avoid heated tools. These dry up and damage your hair, so try to avoid them and do more natural hair styles in the summer. Your hair will thank you for it! 


    • If you are going to swim in a pool, make sure to wear a hair cap, or use special shampoos and conditioners made for swimmers to help minimize the effect of the chlorine on your hair. 


  • Avoid coloring your hair in the summer because it can cause it to become dry and damaged. But if you feel you must, try using organic products.


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Tracey Howarth