V-neck shirts may seem like they’ve been around forever, but did you know that until the 1940s they were merely considered to be undergarments? Whatever their history, they’re here to stay now, and they’re certainly a staple at JudyP! While you shop our ¾, sleeveless, and layering V-necks, dream up some outfits with these styling tips.

Playing With Tucks
Fully tucking your v-neck into your pants or skirt is always a fantastic option, but you can always mix it up with different tucking techniques! Front tucks, french tucks, knot tucks, and even looser full tucks add a bit of flair to the overall look of your outfit.

Skirt’s Best Friend
The subtle sweetness of V-necks makes them a great option to pair with any skirt. Skirts with A-line designs and thicker materials work especially well to create a complex and stylish outfit.

False Layering
Layering isn’t just for sweaters! For an elevated look on your V-neck shirt, pair it with a colorful detachable collar. It will liven up your look without adding any bulk!

Oversized For Elegance
To achieve a relaxed look, size up your V-neck! The neck opening will rest at a wider angle exposing more of your collarbone and creating an elegant, slightly sultry effect.

Always Accessorize
V-necks leave you a little extra room to accessorize. They perfectly frame any chocker or pendant necklace, and provide a great opportunity to play with even more whimsical options, like ascots and neck ribbons!

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Tracey Howarth